Medicare & Medicaid Certified
Licensed with Minnesota Department of Health

Dr. Ben Rattling Talks Bone Health

October 11, 2024

With the Halloween chill in the air and World Osteoporosis Day (Oct 20) fast approaching, we thought it would be the perfect time to reach out to a particular local expert on bone health. Dr. Ben Rattling was head of Mayo Clinic’s Orthopedic Surgery from 1915 to 1940, and with a sense of dedication rarely seen these days, Dr. Rattling has continued his practice… posthumously. So when he agreed to an interview, we were overjoyed. The “discomfort” of a cold night spent in a cemetery was quickly forgotten.

Comfort Health: Dr. Ben Rattling, thank you again for agreeing to meet with us. We know October is a big month for you. How are you holding up?

Dr. Rattling: You’re absolutely right. Between operating on ghostly patients and scaring people for Halloween, I haven’t had a moment to breathe. Whenever I do get time for a break, I like to spend time outside de-stressing. Lovely weather lately, but I know it’s getting cold soon…I can feel it in my bones

Comfort Health: Heh heh, yes Dr. Rattling, you’ve always been known for your sense of humor, but you’re also well-known for your orthopedic expertise. Let’s jump right into that… What is Osteoporosis and what causes it?

Dr. Rattling: Well, your bones are constantly breaking down. I know that sounds scary, but the good news is that your body is also rebuilding those bones. When we’re younger, our bodies build bone quicker than breaking it down, which increases bone mass. As we age, however, growth slows and bone mass decreases. Over time, a large enough imbalance can lead to the condition we call Osteoporosis.

Comfort Health: What are some of the symptoms of Osteoporosis?

Dr. Rattling: Unfortunately, of the biggest things we watch out for are bone breaks. Bones can break for a variety of reasons, but if you’ve noticed excessive bone breaks or bones breaking too easily, talk to a specialist. Beyond that, back pain, poor posture, and even weight loss can also be signs of Osteoporosis.

Comfort Health: Yikes, that’s bone-chilling… it seems like there’s not much we can do to prevent this from happening. 

Dr. Rattling: Well, it is true that some Osteoporosis factors are completely out of our control. Age, sex, race, and genetics can all play a role in the likelihood of developing Osteoporosis. And importantly, Menopause is a significant risk factor that your doctor should be know about.  Still…there are still many actions we can take to help prevent Osteoporosis.

Comfort Health: What are some of these actions?

Dr. Rattling: Our diets play a major role in decreasing the risk of Osteoporosis. Calcium is essential to keeping the bones strong.  That’s how I got to be so strong *Rattling flexes his arm*. Make sure to drink your milk…cow, lactose-free, rice, soy, goat, and almond milks are all great. If you don’t like milk, yogurt and cheese work great too. Vitamin D is another one. This allows our bodies to absorb calcium better. Fatty fishes, egg yolks, and orange juice are great sources of Vitamin D. Excessive alcohol or tobacco use can also lead to Osteoporosis, so try to moderate yourself.  And finally, it’s important to maintain a healthy body weight.

Comfort Health: Well it sounds like an extra latte in the morning is just what the doctor ordered. Are there any other ways we can prevent Osteoporosis?

Dr. Rattling: Lifestyle choices also impact the likelihood of Osteoporosis. It’s crucial to stay active, whether that’s going for a jog, lifting weights, or taking your dog for a walk. In general, standing up whenever possible helps ward of Osteoporosis. Personally, I use a standing desk for my work. I can’t stand sitting down, heh heh.

Comfort Health: Phew, that’s a relief. I guess there is a lot we can do to prevent Osteoporosis.

Dr. Rattling: There sure is! Just try to lead an active lifestyle and maintain a healthy diet. That’s what I’ve done, and my bones have held strong for 154 years.

Comfort Health: Wow, that truly is impressive. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us tonight.

Dr. Rattling. Well, thank you for helping spread the word about Bone Health. And to all of your readers - have a Happy Halloween!

If you would like to talk about your bone health, call your Comfort Health Nurse at 507-281-2332.  For information about World Osteoporosis Day, visit https://www.worldosteoporosisd...

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